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Did an Indian helped Vasco Da Gama cross the sea to India?

Vasco Da Gama the captain of the 4 ships on a mission from Portugal to find India was hugging the eastern coast of Africa.

Strictly sticking to the coast he reached Malindi, modern day Kenya. Portuguese ships by now were famous along the east coast for their treachery and abduction of locals. However, the Sultan of Malindi welcomed them thinking of using their cannons against his enemy neighbour.

With all his preparation, charts, and inputs from spies, he was still unsure of the path and was desperately looking for the local pilot (sailor) from Cape of Good Hope.

Vasco Da Gama requested him to somehow provide a pilot who can help them reach India.

‘Canaqua’ as the Portuguese called him was provided by Sultan who was going to help them sail across the sea. Kanha or Canaqua was an experience Gujarati sailor and navigator. As the Journal mentions he was not much impressed by the Portuguese navigation instruments and he preferred to keep them aside.

Here is the extract from the book With the Da Gamas in 1497, A story of Adventure by E. Forbes Robinson.

This information put the facts clearly that Canaqua/Cana/Kanha the Indian pilot was far more experienced and skilled in the art of navigation.

Vasco Da Gama took help from the pilot to get over the most difficult part of his mission which was crossing the Arabian sea. Unfortunately, this event and the person are not mentioned in Indian history books for students.

This event along with other fascinating truths from the Vasco Da Gama’s mission is explained well in my book ‘Vasco Da Gama – Satya aur Kathya’.

Vasco Da Gama Kathya aur Satya book Niraj Yadav

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Book: Vasco Da Gama – Kathya aur Satya

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