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Bird watching in Makhdumpur, Jehanabad region of Bihar

Birds of Magadh Bihar

All the birds in this post were spotted in my native village in Jehanabad district of Bihar

Birds were spotted in November 2024.

I used the Merlin Bird ID app to identify the birds listening to their sounds.

*Disclaimer: Images of the birds used are not mine and credits go to the original publishers.

1. Red-wattled Lapwing (Titiari)

Size32-35 cm
Lifespan10-15 years
IdentificationRed battles near the beak, black head, white face, brown wings and yellow legs
Fun factKnown as nature’s sentry, it loudly warns of nearby threads
SoundLoud “Did-you-do-it” calls

    2. Green Warbler

      Size10-12 cm
      Lifespan2-5 years
      IdentificationGreenish upperparts, pale yellow underparts, with prominent wing bars.
      Fun factOften seen during their migratory journey through Bihar.
      SoundSoft “chip-chip” notes during migration.

      3. Hume’s Warbler

      Size9-11 cm
      Lifespan2-5 years
      IdentificationOlive-green with yellowish underparts, white wing bars, and a dark eye stripe.
      Fun factMigrates from high altitudes to Bihar during winter.
      SoundRepetitive “tsip-tsip” calls.

      4. Jungle Babbler

      Size12-15 cm
      Lifespan5-10 years
      IdentificationGreyish-brown with a long tail often flicked upward.
      Fun factBlends easily into undergrowth, more often heard than seen.
      SoundContinuous “cheer-up-cheer-up” chirping.

      5. Purple Sunbird (Jamuni Chiriya)

      Size10-12 cm
      Lifespan5-7 years
      IdentificationMetallic blue-purple males, olive-yellow females.
      Fun factResembles a tiny hummingbird, hovering while feeding on nectar.
      SoundHigh-pitched “chee-chee” calls.

        6. Gray Francolin (Titar)

        Size33-36 cm
        Lifespan3-5 years
        IdentificationBrownish-gray with black barring, black neck patch.
        Fun factTheir early morning calls serve as natural alarm clocks in rural areas.
        SoundLoud “kath-tur kath-tur” calls, especially at dawn.

          7. Common Myna (Gauraiya Myna)

          Size25-30 cm
          Lifespan12-25 years
          IdentificationBrown body, black head, yellow eye patches, and white wing patches in flight.
          Fun factHighly adaptable, often seen in both rural and urban areas.
          SoundLoud, varied calls and mimics other birds and sounds.

            8. Rose-ringed Parakeet (Tota)

            Size40-42 cm
            Lifespan20-30 years
            IdentificationGreen with a red beak; males have a pink and black neck ring.
            Fun factFamous for their speech-mimicking abilities.
            SoundLoud screeching “kee-ak” calls.

            9. Spotted Dove (Panduk)

            Size30-32 cm
            Lifespan5-10 years
            IdentificationBrown with white neck spots and long tail.
            Fun factA peaceful presence, often seen in agricultural fields.
            SoundGentle “coo-coo” calls.

            10. Eurasian Collared Dove

            Size32-34 cm
            Lifespan3-10 years
            IdentificationPale gray with a distinct black neck collar.
            Fun factSymbolizes peace and harmony in many cultures.
            SoundDeep, soothing “coo-COO-coo” calls.

            11. Taiga Flycatcher

            Size12-14 cm
            Lifespan4-6 years
            IdentificationBrown upperparts; males have a red throat in breeding season.
            Fun factTravels from Siberia to winter in Bihar.
            SoundSoft “tsik-tsik” calls.

            12. Common Tailorbird (Sui Chiriya)

            Size10-14 cm
            Lifespan2-3 years
            IdentificationOlive-green upperparts, rust-colored crown, long tail.
            Fun factIngeniously stitches leaves together to build nests.
            SoundSharp “tew-tew” calls.

            13. Common Hawk-Cuckoo (Papiha)

            Size30-35 cm
            Lifespan5-10 years
            IdentificationGreyish-brown with yellow eye ring and barred underparts.
            Fun factIts calls are a hallmark of hot Indian afternoons.
            SoundRepetitive “brain-fever” call during summer.

            14. Plain Prinia

            Size12-14 cm
            Lifespan2-4 years
            IdentificationBrownish upperparts, pale underparts, long flicking tail.
            Fun factFrequently seen darting through grasslands.
            SoundContinuous “trik-trik” chirps.

            15. Gray Wagtail

            Size18-20 cm
            Lifespan3-5 years
            IdentificationGrey back, yellow underparts, and long tail.
            Fun factConstantly wags its tail while foraging.
            SoundSharp “tsip” calls near water bodies.

            16. Paddyfield Pipit

            Size15-17 cm
            Lifespan3-5 years
            IdentificationBrown streaked plumage, long legs.
            Fun factGround-dwelling, often seen in agricultural fields.
            SoundRepetitive “chup-chup” calls.

            17. Asian Palm Swift

            Size13-15 cm
            Lifespan6-10 years
            IdentificationSlender body, brownish-gray plumage, forked tail.
            Fun factBuilds nests on palm fronds using sticky saliva.
            SoundHigh-pitched “sree-sree” calls in flight.

            18. Oriental Magpie Robin (Doyel)

            Size19-25 cm
            Lifespan10-15 years
            IdentificationBlack and white, long tail often held upright.
            Fun factKnown for its mimicry of other bird songs.
            SoundMelodious whistles and complex songs.

            19. Zitting Cisticola

            Size10-12 cm
            Lifespan2-3 years
            IdentificationBrown streaked upperparts, short tail.
            Fun factA tiny bird often mistaken for a moving grass blade.
            SoundRapid “zit-zit-zit” sounds in zigzag flight.

            20. Asian Green Bee-eater (Harial)

            Size16-18 cm
            Lifespan12-18 years
            IdentificationBright green, black eye stripe, long tail feathers.
            Fun factSkilled in catching bees mid-flight.
            SoundSoft “trill-trill” calls.

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