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Is playwright a good test automation tool?

Playwright (playwright github) is a framework for web test automation developed and open-sourced by Microsoft. Is this a good option to consider for your project test automation? To answer this question correctly we should try to answer what is a good automation tool?

Professionals discussing this topic use several metrics, I would stick to the following Reliability, Ease of use, Parallelism, Maintenance, Reporting and Integration. Let’s discuss them wrt to Playwright.

Nothing is more painful than an unreliable automation framework. It doesn’t matter if the tool is AI ML enabled, super expensive, has 24-hour support, has a great function library, amazing execution speed, or grid support.

If the framework does not provide consistent results for the test execution, it is useless, as simple as that.

How can we assess the reliability of a tool? The best approach is to pick the tool and script a few complex flows from your project. Run them quite a number of times in different environments if possible. Finally, compare the tool-related failures like not being able to find locators, timing issues, unexpected slowness during the execution, etc

A framework which supports quick script recording, code generation, parametrisation, test case scripting in new age languages, and flexibility to troubleshoot the failures can be said to be easy to use.

Playwright has a good codegen, Inspector and Traceviewer which aids in quick test creation, locator assistance and troubleshooting.

However IMO for serious test automation, we rarely use record and play and generally make use of a design pattern along with a Page Object Model (POM) based test automation framework.

Playwright Trace Viewer
Playwright Inspector

We need to run the cases reliably but we also want to see the results quickly. A good automation framework should have the capability to run cases in parallel, same case in parallel, across suites, etc.

Playwright supports parallel execution in a headless and head mode. It also supports connecting to a Selenium grid.

Though Playwright has features to generate CI reports in dot, line, list mode, junit and HTML reports, I still see a need for more inbuilt reporting. But it doesn’t prevent implementing custom reporting making use of Playwright’s reporting library.

5. Integration

Playwright supports good integration and provides an option to make use of NVM packages. We use the library for linting, connecting to CICD, pulling cases from our test management tool for execution, pushing reports to our test management tool, etc.

6. Maintainable

Maintainability depends on how we architect our test automation framework. A POM based is generally easy to maintain as the locators and other files are centralised. It also supports a high reusability of the UI behaviours.

We found Playwright finding locators pretty well, faster and reliably than other tools (Selenium, Mabl) that we tried.

Corrections in book ‘Vasco Da Gama – Kathya aur Satya’

Following are the corrections observed and shared by dear readers in the 1st edition of the book. I am thankful and obliged that you took the time to share the corrections and suggestions with me.

  1. Page: Back cover — Maharishi Bhrigu ✅ Maharishi Bharadwaj
  2. Page: 40 — अलेक्जेंडर ✅ एलेग्जेंडर, अलेक्सैंडर्

If you have any such corrections to share, please write to me at

Indigenous water structures of Bharat

Bharat is a geologically diverse country. South has the Deccan plateau, east and the west coastal region has mountain ranges called ghats, the north has the Himalayas, the west has a desert and then there are the great northern plains.

In accordance with this geological feature, water structures have been built and maintained across the land.

It’s very wonderful to say that there hasn’t been a single template that was applied across the land, unlike modern times.

Here is a list of water structures that existed or still exist across Bharat.

Did an Indian helped Vasco Da Gama cross the sea to India?

Vasco Da Gama the captain of the 4 ships on a mission from Portugal to find India was hugging the eastern coast of Africa.

Strictly sticking to the coast he reached Malindi, modern day Kenya. Portuguese ships by now were famous along the east coast for their treachery and abduction of locals. However, the Sultan of Malindi welcomed them thinking of using their cannons against his enemy neighbour.

With all his preparation, charts, and inputs from spies, he was still unsure of the path and was desperately looking for the local pilot (sailor) from Cape of Good Hope.

Vasco Da Gama requested him to somehow provide a pilot who can help them reach India.

‘Canaqua’ as the Portuguese called him was provided by Sultan who was going to help them sail across the sea. Kanha or Canaqua was an experience Gujarati sailor and navigator. As the Journal mentions he was not much impressed by the Portuguese navigation instruments and he preferred to keep them aside.

Here is the extract from the book With the Da Gamas in 1497, A story of Adventure by E. Forbes Robinson.

This information put the facts clearly that Canaqua/Cana/Kanha the Indian pilot was far more experienced and skilled in the art of navigation.

Vasco Da Gama took help from the pilot to get over the most difficult part of his mission which was crossing the Arabian sea. Unfortunately, this event and the person are not mentioned in Indian history books for students.

This event along with other fascinating truths from the Vasco Da Gama’s mission is explained well in my book ‘Vasco Da Gama – Satya aur Kathya’.

Vasco Da Gama Kathya aur Satya book Niraj Yadav

Amazon purchase link

Book: Vasco Da Gama – Kathya aur Satya

Which Mahabharata & Ramayana book to read?

This is always a confusing question for sincere readers as to which Mahabharata and Ramayana to read out of the multitude of options available in the market?

When I wanted to start with these two great texts I too had this confusion. Being aware that there have been many adulterations in both these texts and it is very difficult to conclude which is the right one.

I took help from a few of my mentors to suggest the best one. Many of them agreed that over thousand of years there has been so many prakshep (adulterations) in both these texts that even the most trusted and researched authored book cannot be expected to be 100% correct.

Since both these texts are huge, reading them is a time consuming task and I wished to spend my time on the near correct one. Here are the shortlisted ones which were suggested more often.

Mahabharatam‘ book by Swami Jagadishwaranand Saraswati

Language – Hindi
Purchase link –

Valmiki Ramayan‘ book by Swami Jagadhishwaranand Saraswati

Language – Hindi
Purchase link –

Update: I completed Ramayana and Mahabharata and both the books are fabulous. Shlokas are nicely printed and translated into Hindi. Several foot over notes are added detailing the concepts and points. Highly recommended.

Is quality binary in nature?

Binary is simple to grasp, isn’t it? Right or wrong, yes or no, good or not good. We like to get answers in either or or.

Unfortunately quality at its core is not binary. Quality is inherently subjective.

Reason for this characteristic of quality is due to how human mind perceives the world. Quality can always be felt as in the case of PERCEPTION not by INFERENCE or VERBAL TESTIMONY or any other means of epistemology.

Since quality is perceived and PERCEPTION cannot be explained accurately, it is highly subjective. There is NO END to how good quality a software can be.

For one user a basic site with grammar errors can be absolutely fine as long his work is not interrupted. On the other hand for another user it can be pain in the eyes and in mind.

Nature of Software Development (entire SDLC) is such that there is always some kind of time, effort, skill and requirement constraint. With such a situation, quality is a range of acceptability not lower than a n agreed baseline.

What is your thought on this topic?

Book: ‘Vasco Da Gama – Kathya aur Satya’ – Purpose

A deliberate effort is been made to keep the confidence of generations of Indians low by repeatedly teaching false history. India’s education (Macaulay’s) doesn’t matter which board, pass a self-guilt to the students day in and out and traps their minds in the inferiority complex of being from a subjugated land and a country of coast-huggers.

You can Order book from here

I remember as a student and rather till late, I assumed that Vasco Da Gama and Christopher Columbus were some sort of Indiana Jones who would set on their ship alone and sail to explore hidden treasures. I believed their only purpose was to find gold and become rich personally.

Little did I know that reading their sources would wash away their colour of masquerades and reveal the sinister conspiracies and deep geopolitics.

It is still surprising that no school or college material shares the fact that Vasco Da Gama didn’t know to cross over the Arabian sea and he requested an Indian pilot from the king of Malindi (in modern Kenya) for help.

Before he sailed out, the king of Portugal sent 2 spies on a secret mission to India via land to gather intellect, maps and other information. So this was not an isolated mission but rather a planned national effort.

Also on the most famed voyage, Da Gama sailed not more than 13% on the uncharted route, the rest of the route was already mapped in the last 60 years, leaving aside the most difficult phase where the actual crossing of sea was required and it was sailed under the command of an Indian pilot from Gujarat.

Moreover, I personally see hiding the fact that Vasco Da Gama was a religious zealot who burned 400 pilgrims alive on the ship on his personal commands apart from several other murders and tortures, as a sort of planned agenda probably to improve his character.

I hope this book does justice to the readers by sharing truthful events along with technical facts about navigation.

You can also order from Flipkart and Amazon, however, book price and delivery charges may vary.

Topics covered in the book


Originally posted at – masale-ki-khoj-me/