All posts filed under: History

Vasco Da Gama's ship Gao Gabriel

How was Vasco Da Gama’s ship on his first mission to India?

Vasco da Gama’s historic voyage to India was supported by a meticulously prepared fleet of four ships, each designed to endure the treacherous seas. The flagship, São Gabriel, captained by da Gama himself, and its sister ship, São Rafael, were robust three-masted vessels, equipped to handle fierce storms. Accompanying them were the swift Berrio and a provision ship, essential for the fleet’s long journey. Built from the finest wood and armed with cannons, these ships were a testament to Portuguese naval ingenuity, manned by a crew ready to navigate uncharted waters.

Age of Discovery Ships

The Age of Discovery and the Age of Sailing were transformative periods in history, marked by daring voyages and groundbreaking explorations. Used AI to generate stunning images of the majestic ships that sailed the seas. Few ship categories that were popular during these eras. Dive into this visual journey and rediscover the ships that shaped our world.

Brahmagupta on negative numbers

Historical quotes on negative numbers and acceptance by Brahmagupta

Throughout history, the concept of negative numbers has baffled, confused, and even outraged many thinkers. Their journey into mainstream mathematics is marked by scepticism and incredulity, as captured by various historical quotes. Here, we explore some of these fascinating perspectives. “Above all, he [the student] must reject the definition still sometimes given of the quantity -a, that it is less than nothing. It is astonishing that the human intellect should ever have tolerated such an absurdity as the idea of a quantity less than nothing; above all, that the notion should have outlived the belief in judicial astrology and the existence of witches, either of which is ten thousand times more possible.” In his book On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics, De Morgan expresses astonishment at the acceptance of negative numbers. Comparing the belief in negative quantities to the belief in astrology and witches, he underscores the perceived absurdity of the concept. “Numbers that are less than nothing? Inconceivable! The next thing you’ll tell me is that there’s a witch outside with my horoscope.” …

भारतीय व्यापारी झूठ नहीं बोलते – फ्रांसेस्को कारलेटी १६ सदी फ्लोरेंटाइन मर्चेंट

फ्रांसेस्को कारलेटी (1573 – 1636) सोलहवीं सदी का एक फ्लोरेंटाइन व्यापारी था जो जहाज के माध्यम से विश्व भ्रमण किया। इस यात्रा में कारलेटी लगभग २० महीने भारत के गोवा प्रान्त में व्यतीत किया। अपने निवास के समय में भारतीय जन जीवन के बारे में लिखा है। उसी में से भारतीय व्यापारियों के बारे में कुछ अंश यहाँ प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ। फ्रांसेस्को कारलेटी कहता है कि – सिंधु नदी के पास कैम्बे नगर से हर वर्ष भारतीय व्यापारी अपने-अपने जहाजों से गोवा आते हैं। इन व्यापारियों को कारलेटी गुजराती और ब्राह्मण बोलकर सम्बोधित करता है और कहता है ये व्यापारी उसे सज्जन (gentlemen) लगते हैं। ये किसी भी प्राणी को नही खाते जिनमें लाल रक्त होता है। इनके पास ढेर सारे हिरे होते हैं। कारलेटी ने स्वयं इनके पास से एक २०० कैरट का हिरा देखा था। इन व्यापारियों द्वारा लाया गया सामान पुर्तगाली जहाजों में लदकर हर वर्ष लिस्बन जाता है। गोवा में इनके घर और दुकान अलग रहते हैं, और वहां वो बहोत सज्जन तरीके से रहते हैं। वे बिना कारन किसी …

Did an Indian helped Vasco Da Gama cross the sea to India?

Vasco Da Gama the captain of the 4 ships on a mission from Portugal to find India was hugging the eastern coast of Africa. Strictly sticking to the coast he reached Malindi, modern day Kenya. Portuguese ships by now were famous along the east coast for their treachery and abduction of locals. However, the Sultan of Malindi welcomed them thinking of using their cannons against his enemy neighbour. With all his preparation, charts, and inputs from spies, he was still unsure of the path and was desperately looking for the local pilot (sailor) from Cape of Good Hope. Vasco Da Gama requested him to somehow provide a pilot who can help them reach India. ‘Canaqua’ as the Portuguese called him was provided by Sultan who was going to help them sail across the sea. Kanha or Canaqua was an experience Gujarati sailor and navigator. As the Journal mentions he was not much impressed by the Portuguese navigation instruments and he preferred to keep them aside. Here is the extract from the book With the Da …

Which Mahabharata & Ramayana book to read?

This is always a confusing question for sincere readers as to which Mahabharata and Ramayana to read out of the multitude of options available in the market? When I wanted to start with these two great texts I too had this confusion. Being aware that there have been many adulterations in both these texts and it is very difficult to conclude which is the right one. I took help from a few of my mentors to suggest the best one. Many of them agreed that over thousand of years there has been so many prakshep (adulterations) in both these texts that even the most trusted and researched authored book cannot be expected to be 100% correct. Since both these texts are huge, reading them is a time consuming task and I wished to spend my time on the near correct one. Here are the shortlisted ones which were suggested more often. ‘Mahabharatam‘ book by Swami Jagadishwaranand Saraswati Language – HindiPurchase link – ‘Valmiki Ramayan‘ book by Swami Jagadhishwaranand Saraswati Language – HindiPurchase link – …