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Narmada yatra on motorcycle

Narmada ji’s yatra on motorcycle – Mumbai to Amravati – Day 1

समय से पहले और समय के बाद में हमें कुछ नहीं मिलता। कई बार यात्रा करने के इच्छा और तैयारी के पश्चात, पांच वर्ष के बाद अंततः २०२३ में नर्मदा मैय्या के दर्शन का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। यात्रा के पहले दो दिन तेज गति और लम्बी दुरी के होने वाले थे। मैंने इसी प्रकार से अपना मन बना लिया था। एक बार जब मन बन जाये तो शरीर का कष्ट उतना पीड़ा  नहीं देता। कहावत  बिलकुल सही है “मन के हारे हार है और मन के जीते जित”  हमेशा की तरह घर से यात्रा के लिए सहमति नहीं थी। और रात तयारी कर देर से सोने पर सुबह किसीने उठाने की चेष्टा नहीं की, बाद में पता चला वो यही चाहते थे कि किसी तरह मेरा जाना छूट जाए 😀 भोर में ५:३० की जगह ८:३० बजे बाइक पर लोड करके घर से निकला। देर से निकलने की सजा तो मिलनी ही थी, ठाणे माजीवाड़ा पार करने में १.५ घंटे लग गए।  आगे रोड अच्छा मिला और लगभग ११:३०-१२ बजे नाशिक पहुंच गया। दुविधा थी …

Few photos from my visit to Portugals Musea De Marinha

I got the opportunity to visit Musea De Marinha (Marine Museum) in Lisbon, Portugal in January 2024. This museum was on my top list after writing my first book ‘Vasco Da Gama – Kathya aur Satya) published in 2022. Musea De Marinha is situation very close to from where Vasco Da Gama’s mission fleet sailed from Portugal to India in the fifteenth century. Model of Vasco Da Gama’s ship Saint Gabriel Quadrant an astronomical apparatus used for navigation during the age of exploration

Brahmagupta on negative numbers

Historical quotes on negative numbers and acceptance by Brahmagupta

Throughout history, the concept of negative numbers has baffled, confused, and even outraged many thinkers. Their journey into mainstream mathematics is marked by scepticism and incredulity, as captured by various historical quotes. Here, we explore some of these fascinating perspectives. “Above all, he [the student] must reject the definition still sometimes given of the quantity -a, that it is less than nothing. It is astonishing that the human intellect should ever have tolerated such an absurdity as the idea of a quantity less than nothing; above all, that the notion should have outlived the belief in judicial astrology and the existence of witches, either of which is ten thousand times more possible.” In his book On the Study and Difficulties of Mathematics, De Morgan expresses astonishment at the acceptance of negative numbers. Comparing the belief in negative quantities to the belief in astrology and witches, he underscores the perceived absurdity of the concept. “Numbers that are less than nothing? Inconceivable! The next thing you’ll tell me is that there’s a witch outside with my horoscope.” …

Review of bluehill publisher

Review of BlueHill publication press

I really had a bad experience with them. Don’t think their other reviews are genuine. I paid in advance for 100 copies last year August 2023. They didn’t deliver a single copy to this day April 2024 and NOT RETURNING MONEY as well. They keep dodging calls and messages and give lame reasons like their press was out of service, they are on a team outing, yearly closing, this all sounds so kiddish to hear from the last 10 months. Don’t go with their press releases and reviews, if they can show they are releasing books every other week what is stopping them from reprinting this book? They may just sit on your money. Save your money and your time. Bluehill publication website – Some communication proof.