All posts tagged: software-quality

Is playwright a good test automation tool?

Playwright (playwright github) is a framework for web test automation developed and open-sourced by Microsoft. Is this a good option to consider for your project test automation? To answer this question correctly we should try to answer what is a good automation tool? Professionals discussing this topic use several metrics, I would stick to the following Reliability, Ease of use, Parallelism, Maintenance, Reporting and Integration. Let’s discuss them wrt to Playwright. Nothing is more painful than an unreliable automation framework. It doesn’t matter if the tool is AI ML enabled, super expensive, has 24-hour support, has a great function library, amazing execution speed, or grid support. If the framework does not provide consistent results for the test execution, it is useless, as simple as that. How can we assess the reliability of a tool? The best approach is to pick the tool and script a few complex flows from your project. Run them quite a number of times in different environments if possible. Finally, compare the tool-related failures like not being able to find locators, …

Is quality binary in nature?

Binary is simple to grasp, isn’t it? Right or wrong, yes or no, good or not good. We like to get answers in either or or. Unfortunately quality at its core is not binary. Quality is inherently subjective. Reason for this characteristic of quality is due to how human mind perceives the world. Quality can always be felt as in the case of PERCEPTION not by INFERENCE or VERBAL TESTIMONY or any other means of epistemology. Since quality is perceived and PERCEPTION cannot be explained accurately, it is highly subjective. There is NO END to how good quality a software can be. For one user a basic site with grammar errors can be absolutely fine as long his work is not interrupted. On the other hand for another user it can be pain in the eyes and in mind. Nature of Software Development (entire SDLC) is such that there is always some kind of time, effort, skill and requirement constraint. With such a situation, quality is a range of acceptability not lower than a n …